Local artist Angela Hoi expresses vulnerability through her creations

2021-03-23 03:26
BY admin

Camy Tam

        An exhibition entitled “Before Happiness” by local artist Angela Hoi Ka Ian, co-sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Foundation (FM), is being held at the OX Warehouse gallery.

The exhibition displays Hoi’s creations such as paintings, installations, multimedia art, videos and texts, according to a statement provided by the gallery.

Hoi was born in Macau in 1996. She was awarded a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree from Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London in 2020, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) from the Taipei University of the Arts in 2018. As a BFA/MFA graduate she has been participating in, and curating exhibitions in Macau, Taiwan, Portugal and London, cooperating with artists from different countries, according to the statement.

The statement pointed out that Hoi’s work focuses on the interpretation and expression of vulnerability in contemporary society, as well as the methods to thoroughly illustrate the inner depths of human emotions. She is deeply interested in the dialogical nature of artworks, often communicating with viewers through “occasional happenings” or encouragements to create connections and interactions between viewers and the work, the statement underlined.

“Before Happiness” presents the moments “before happiness comes” in different forms, self-questioning and answering questions, empowering viewers to dispel chaos and restore peace, or depicting everyday life using secret diaries made open, to share with individuals who have same path to happiness, according to the statement.

The statement underlined that Hoi wants to co-create with viewers a “self- murmuring” work. It is important for her, according to the statement, to explore the relationship between the external conditions and self, using as the main thread the concepts of “joy”, “happiness”, “secrecy”, and “dialogue”. She discovered that the theme of “vulnerability” has played a very important role through her exploration, and questions arise as to how to admit its existence and express it, from antiquity to contemporary times, and it has been artists’ job to express vulnerability using strong colours and vigorous acts to create resonance, according to the statement.

However, Hoi intends to discuss vulnerability – not in an obvious way, she uses simple texts and concepts to compose conversations in order to prompt viewers to think.

The exhibition is on until April 19 on the ground and 1st floors of the Post-OX Warehouse Experimental Site at 15 Rua do Volong, except Mondays, from noon to 7 p.m. daily. Admission is free.

Visitors are required to wear a facemask and apply hand sanitiser when entering the venue.

For enquiries call 28530026 or visit the website: https://www.facebook.com/oxwarehouse/

Photos: Camy Tam


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