GEG’s Unwavering Commitment to Workplace Health and Safety

2022-01-05 03:15
BY admin

Recently, GEG concluded the “Workplace Health & Safety and Local Talent Development Celebration Event 2021”, which aimed to showcase GEG’s steadfast commitment and persistent efforts in WHS and talent cultivation.  Mr. Wong Chi Hong, Director of DSAL, was invited to witness GEG’s reaffirmed commitment to WHS and talent cultivation, as well as team members’ outstanding performance in related programs.

Valuing its team members as its most important assets, GEG has relentlessly worked over the years to fulfill its corporate social responsibility by supporting the Macau SAR Government’s policies on workplace health and safety (WHS) and talent development. In addition to allocating significant resources to supporting team members’ career development, GEG is also fully committed to safeguarding their health and safety.

Widely Embraced WHS Culture

In line with its WHS risk management strategy of “Plan to Prevent,” GEG established the Workplace Health and Safety Steering Committee in 2019. The Committee is chaired by members of GEG’s senior management team, including Ms. Eileen Lui, Group Director of Human Resources and Administration, and Mr. Kevin Kelley, Chief Operating Officer – Macau of GEG. Meetings are held quarterly to set the direction of GEG’s WHS policies and to instill awareness of risk mitigation throughout the company. GEG has also established a Workplace Health and Safety Team, which oversees WHS measures and related communications across all GEG properties.

GEG’s excellence and untiring effort in promoting WHS has earned global recognition. In 2020, GEG obtained the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Systems (ISO 45001) certification, making it the only corporation in Macau to achieve an OHS standard that covers its entire workforce and all its properties – Galaxy Macau, Broadway Macau, StarWorld Hotel and the three City Clubs.

GEG-DSAL Collaboration

Dedicated to building a safe, comfortable and pleasant workplace, GEG has worked with DSAL to organize a variety of training courses, activities, competitions and roadshows to raise WHS awareness among team members. Since 2018, GEG has been cooperating with DSAL to hold the Hotel and Catering Occupational Safety Card Training Program, which is designed to improve team members’ awareness of WHS regulations, procedures and principles. To date, 95% of GEG team members have completed the program, which is the highest participation rate in Macau’s gaming industry.

Wide Variety of WHS Training Activities

To further improve team members’ WHS awareness, GEG co-launched a variety of engaging seminars and interactive roadshows with DSAL this year. At the seminars, team members participated in stretching exercises to prevent stress and fatigue and learned about musculoskeletal strain and practical safety tips for hotel workers. Furthermore, roadshows in GEG’s back-of-house area increased team members’ attention to WHS through interactive game booths. Following the “Workplace Health & Safety and Local Talent Development Celebration Event 2021”, Mr. Wong Chi Hong, Director of DSAL, Ms. Lui and other guests also visited the roadshows to show support.

GEG once again organized the Workplace Health & Safety Online Quiz, an annual competition aimed at refining and refreshing team members’ WHS knowledge. Over 300 team members participated. Furthermore, GEG also launched the Best Practice Team Members Selection, an educational campaign addressing posture and spine-health issues arising from mobile phone use.

To further cultivate a WHS-focused culture, GEG has broadcasted over 80 WHS reminders via its internal mobile app GEG Buzz since 2019. GEG has also produced a series of videos on the importance of a healthy and safe working environment, which are shown at staff canteens and in back-of-house areas. This initiative has gained wide support from management and lots of attention from team members.

Participant Sharing

Mr. Aaron Fong, a seminar participant from the Engineering Department, said, “The seminars allowed me to become aware of correct posture, cautions and standard safety procedures in daily operations. DSAL professionals also enhanced our WHS knowledge and taught us how to relieve back pain and strains through different sets of stretching exercises. I am grateful that GEG considers our health and safety to be of the utmost importance and cooperates with DSAL to convey the significant concept of OSH in diversified ways.”

Mr. Chiko Kou, Mr. Koka Sou and Mr. Forever Leong, GEG team members who participated in the production of a series of vibrant videos to advocate WHS concepts, said, “Workplace safety and health is related to all GEG team members. Thanks to the support of GEG, it’s our honor to spread the useful messages and deepen GEG’s unique WHS culture through vibrant and amusing short videos.”


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