Police warn public of email virus sent by ‘Housing Bureau’

2022-05-11 03:27
BY Yuki Lei

The Judiciary Police (PJ) warned residents yesterday in a statement that they should avoid opening fake Housing Bureau (IHM) emails that have an attachment, as they contain a virus.

According to the statement, the Judiciary Police  were informed by the bureau that some residents reported that they had received a suspicious email purported to have been sent by the bureau, and after opening the email, the email receivers’ electronic devices were affected by a virus.  The statement said that the police discovered that it is a phishing email embedded with a computer virus.

The statement pointed out that residents who opened the attachment in the email will get the virus on their phone or computer systems. The police also reminded residents that they should verify with the corresponding government entities when they ever received a similar type of email.

The police urged residents that they should pay more attention to their security information and to increase personal awareness, as well as to stay vigilant when receiving a call, message or email from unknown sources. The police warned the public not to click on links and pictures from unknown sources, and not to download an unknown folder, to avoid having their devices affected by viruses or their personal data stolen. The statement also added that residents should install antivirus software for their electronic devices, computers or phones. The police also urged residents to share fraud prevention messages with relatives and friends. Anyone suspecting they are a victim of cyberfraud should inform the police immediately by calling the PJ hotline 993 or fraud prevention hotline 8800 7777. 

This image provided by the Judiciary Police (PJ) yesterday urges the public to beware of opening purported Housing Bureau (IHM) emails containing a virus.


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