Drunk driver flips beer lorry on side: Fire Services Bureau

2022-07-26 03:17
BY William Chan

A truck carrying a load of beer flipped on its side after the drunk driver lost control of it on Friday morning in the Zone A land reclamation area, the Fire Services Bureau (CB) said in a statement on that day.

According to the statement, a local male driver in his forties was driving along Avenida Doutor Ma Man Kei in Zone A towards Areia Preta district on Friday at 9 a.m. The statement said that when the driver was exiting the roundabout, he suddenly lost control of his lorry, because of which the vehicle flipped on its side.

The statement said that there were no passengers in the truck, and the driver managed to get out of it unaided.

The statement said the man sustained injuries on the fingers of his left hand and was taken to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre for treatment. 

According to the statement, the cab of the truck was badly damaged, with shattered glass on the ground.  Boxes of beer were strewn across the road and were soon afterwards retrieved by the driver’s company, the statement added.

According to the statement, a breathalyser test showed that the driver’s alcohol concentration was 2.2 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood. The driver will be facing drink-driving charges, and the police have launched an investigation into the exact cause of the accident, the statement said. 

Workers retrieve the boxes of beer at the side of the accident in Zone A on Friday.
Photo courtesy of TDM


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