Avenida do Nordeste skywalk project to start tomorrow: govt

2025-02-04 03:46
BY Tony Wong

The Public Works Bureau (DSOP) and the Transport Bureau (DSAT) announced in a joint statement yesterday that the government’s project to build a skywalk along Avenida do Nordeste (東北大馬路) in the peninsula’s Areia Preta district will start tomorrow.

Yesterday’s announcement came after the two bureaus announced last week that the project will get off the ground after the ongoing Chinese New Year (CNY) holiday. *

Today is the last day of the mainland’s eight-day Spring Festival Golden Week holiday.

Running along almost the entire section of Avenida do Nordeste, the 600-metre-long skywalk will run between Avenida de Venceslau de Morais (慕拉士大馬路) and Rua Central da Areia Preta (黑沙環中街).

On the side in Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, the skywalk will be linked to the podium area of the Mong Son social rental housing estate, while on the other side near Rua Central da Areia Preta, the skywalk will be linked to the podium area of the government’s high-rise rental residential building for senior citizens on Plot P, with other access points outside the Polytec Garden (保利達花園) and La Baie Du Noble (海名居) private residential estates.

There will be a total of 13 access points to the skywalk.

Measures to mitigate impact on traffic

Yesterday’s statement underlined that considering the skywalk project’s extensive construction area, various measures will be implemented to alleviate the adverse impact of the project’s duration on the traffic on Avenida do Nordeste and its surrounding areas.

The project’s work will be carried out in phases and sections, the statement said.

The statement said that with the skywalk project’s various work to move forward, the vehicular areas of Avenida do Nordeste and some other roads in the vicinity will be gradually narrowed.

The statement underlined that the Transport Bureau will constantly adjust its special traffic measures throughout the project’s duration according to the real situation of the project’s execution in different phases.

In the first phase of the project’s execution, the statement said, work will be carried out to identify the exact locations of underground pipes and cables on a section of pavement on Rua Central da Areia Preta outside the La Baie Du Noble private residential estate, in certain areas of Areia Preta Park, and on the central divider of Avenida do Nordeste.

In addition, the statement said, some pavement sections in the area will be enclosed and accordingly temporary areas for pedestrians to walk will be set up.

The statement said that various work to be carried out in the first phase will create the necessary conditions for the project’s next phase to start next month, namely the skywalk’s pile foundation and underground structure.

The statement reminded drivers that during the project’s duration, vehicular traffic restrictions will be in place on certain sections of Rua Central da Areia Preta and Avenida do Nordeste, while the dog park in Areia Preta Park near the petrol station will partially remain open.

The skywalk project was initially slated to get off the ground in the second quarter of last year.

* More details about the Avenida do Nordeste skywalk can be checked on:


A public bus drives along Avenida do Nordeste last week, where construction of a skywalk will start tomorrow. – Photo: Tony Wong


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