Roadworks on thoroughfare in Taipa to start this month

2025-02-07 03:34
BY Tony Wong

Roadworks will be carried out on a section of Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen (孫逸仙博士大馬路), one of Taipa’s main thoroughfares, later this month for the installation of underground pipes and cables for a newly completed residential building there, because of which the section will be partially closed to traffic in phases for about 30 days, according to a statement by the Transport Bureau (DSAT) yesterday.

The 700-metre-long Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen runs between Rotunda Dr. Carlos Augusto Corrêa Paes d’Assumpção (宋玉生博士圓形地), the roundabout outside the Altira Macau casino-hotel, and Rotunda Ouvidor Arriaga (亞利雅架圓形地), a roundabout located near Taipa Village.

Rotunda Dr. Sun Yat Sen (孫逸仙博士圓形地) is situated midway between the two ends of Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

The two-way Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen has two lanes in each direction.

According to yesterday’s statement, the upcoming roadwork project will be carried out on the section between Rotunda Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Rotunda Ouvidor Arriaga, where the newly completed residential building is located.

The statement said that the roadwork project is scheduled to start at around the middle of this month.

During the upcoming roadworks, vehicular traffic restrictions will be in place in the section as it will be partially closed to traffic in different phases and by different areas during the project’s execution.

The statement underlined that with the aim of reducing the adverse impact of the project’s duration on the traffic in the area, the government will implement special measures aiming to reduce the length of roadworks requiring the section’s partial traffic closure to 30 days plus from the originally planned 80 days plus.

In addition, the statement noted, the three public bus stops on Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s section between Rotunda Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Rotunda Ouvidor Arriaga, namely outside the Chun Leong Garden, Chun U Villa, and Treasure Garden residential estates respectively, will be suspended in phases during the project’s execution. The statement advised public bus passengers on the affected routes to choose the stop before or after the suspended stop.

Yesterday’s statement also said that the Transport Bureau, in collaboration with several other public entities, has recently held several sessions briefing representatives of the respective community associations, schools, kindergartens and creches as well as those from other affected sectors about the upcoming roadwork project and the government’s various special traffic measures to be implemented during the project’s execution.

The government has also briefed members of the Traffic Consultative Council on site about the matter, the statement said.

The statement underlined that the opinions gathered during the briefing sessions will enable the government to further optimise its temporary traffic measures for the roadwork project. 

Public buses, cars and taxis drive along Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen yesterday where a newly completed residential building (far, left) is located.  – Photo: Tony Wong

This undated handout photo released by the Transport Bureau (DSAT) yesterday shows a DSAT official briefing members of the Traffic Consultative Council on site about the avenue’s upcoming roadwork project, on the footbridge on the avenue’s section between Rotunda Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Rotunda Ouvidor Arriaga.


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