The importance of time & effort in learning a skill
I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I gripped my father’s clippers, which were old and missing a tooth in the clipper guard. It was during the time when most barbershops were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and I was in desperate need of a haircut as my hair had become lifeless and overgrown.With no practice or even any sort of training except for hours of YouTube videos, I spent 20 minutes bouncing between saying “this is a horrible idea” and “social media said I
April 17, 2023
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Learn something new every day
We start learning from the day we are born and hopefully until the day we die. It may be something simple like learning to change a light bulb or something more complicated like taking a PhD. Learning should always be enjoyable because if it feels like a chore, it is extremely difficult to retain the information and easy to be distracted.Many people seem to think that learning something only involves academic subjects, which is not at all true. Learning something new, whether it be a
April 17, 2023 | BY Lesley Wells
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Avoiding negative peer pressure
Is peer pressure always a bad thing? Maybe not. Sometimes, whatever you’re being pressured into doing can be harmless, while the best kind can even be beneficial. In a perfect world, all peer pressure should be positive. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case and most of us might be familiar with the more negative side of the term.Some examples of this include being pressured into maybe just one more drink at a party, shoplifting to fit in with, and please a group of “cool kids”, or
April 3, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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How is peer pressure described?
About peer pressure, here I want to share an observation with you all to discuss what peer pressure is, which I would describe as copycat behaviour.First of all, what is peer pressure? According to Wikipedia, peer pressure (also known as peer influence) is the direct or indirect influence on peers, i.e., members of social groups such as classmates or friends with similar interests, experiences, or social statuses. Members of a peer group are more likely to influence a person’s beliefs,
April 3, 2023 | BY Yuki Lei
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The ‘lucky’ necklace
As a sceptic, I have my doubts about the phenomenon of luck. I don’t always believe in it and my reasons were formed and solidified when I was in Third Grade, the time when my uncle came to Macau to visit my family.He was a fashionable young man in his late twenties, working as a teacher by day, and a musician who performed to a hip young crowd at night. To me, he had all the makings of a cool uncle. I could not be happier when he decided to leave me a gift before he left for home, which was
March 27, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Luck & feng shui: how Chinese traditions influence daily life
Whenever luck is discussed, it’s impossible to ignore the role of feng shui (風水) in Chinese culture. Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging one’s surroundings to promote balance and harmony, and to attract good luck and prosperity. It is believed that feng shui – aka Chinese geomancy – can impact a person’s life in significant ways, both positive and negative.As a Chinese person, I can attest that our lives are more or less related to feng shui. While I am not
March 27, 2023 | BY William Chan
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Acts of kindness are good for you
Have you ever felt great when you have acted kindly to someone? Of course, you have.According to the BBC website, acts of kindness are: good for your heart, are contagious, slow ageing, give us energy, make you feel happy, reduce stress and anxiety, support your immune system and reduce pain. Amazing benefits for something that costs nothing and also makes the recipient feel good too.Some people are naturally kind and think nothing of helping someone out
March 20, 2023 | BY Lesley Wells
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A splash of pure kindness
An act of kindness can do a lot for someone. It can make both the doer and the recipient feel good, as well as even change the course of someone else’s life. Maybe it can even lift a person up, with the doer having no clue just how much their act means. One January afternoon this year, I experienced an act of kindness, one that is unforgettable and perhaps done in its purest form.Some might be familiar with the term “January blues”, which, according to PsychCentral, is “a common period
March 20, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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How trends can affect us
Trends are present in many aspects of our lives. At the time of writing this article, there are certain hairstyles that are popular or are experiencing a resurgence (like the mullet, surprisingly), an item of clothing or outfit that somebody wants to wear due to its popularity, and a dance or challenge on social media that leaves someone saying “Hey, I want to join in on that!”. These are all part of a trend in their respective categories, and it doesn’t just stop there. How does it
March 13, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Marriage trends
I saw recently a post on social media about how a female was being pushed by her parents to get married, and even by her relatives.However, is it important and necessary for girls to get married? The comments for the post tell me the answer is…… “no”, considering the current growth trend of late marriage and even singlehood for both men and women in Macau and other developed societies.According to The Hill, a US political website, since the start of the 21st century, the US marriage
March 13, 2023 | BY Yuki Lei
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A person who made a difference in my life
As a student, I have had the privilege of learning from many talented and knowledgeable professors. However, there is one professor who stands out as someone who has truly made a difference in my life: Timothy Kerswell, a former professor at the University of Macau. As a political scientist, he has had a profound impact on me both academically and personally, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from him.Academically, Prof. Kerswell is an excellent teacher. His lectures are
March 6, 2023 | BY William Chan
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An email, a sticky note and a few words
Did you know that words have the power to impact someone, perhaps in more ways than what one can even expect? It doesn’t matter what medium those words are said through. It could be on a sticky note, an email or through actually hearing them with your own ears, all of which I experienced through one person who changed the course of where my life was heading.It was 2017 and I had lost a lot of motivation to take school as seriously as I did before. The days were getting longer while
March 6, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Learning perseverance through a hobby
I stood in the darkness as I attempted to remain hidden, my eyes darting from left to right as I searched for a target. I waited patiently, wanting to make sure that I neither missed or wasted a shot, my feet tired from having stood in the same corner, my vantage point, for what felt like hours. And then I saw her. My target.I held my breath as she walked into the frame, my finger already on the trigger. It was time for the shot. Click. My shutter had let out a quick mechanical sound. The sound
February 27, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Entitlement does not lead to satisfaction
Getting handed everything on a silver platter as a child or even an adult may seem like a wonderful concept but in the long run it does not do anyone any favours as the receivers end up with a sense of entitlement and a satisfaction of nothing.As the Rolling Stones sang, “I can’t get no satisfaction.”Nowadays, there appears to be a whole generation who have grown up being given everything in life by doting parents, even as adults, who do not want their offspring to have the same struggles
February 27, 2023 | BY Lesley Wells
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Is Valentine’s Day important to you?
Following the end of the Chinese New Year, a day……no, I should say a “festival” belonging to the world’s couples is approaching us, which is tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. Mentioning the annual date of February 14, what you do think of…lovers, celebrations, or chocolates? It brought to the fore my memories at school that were buried in my mind, and I believe that it is also one of your precious memories too. However, while celebrating this day with your beloved, do you know about
February 13, 2023 | BY Yuki Lei
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