Govt reassures public over data security in Alibaba deal
A senior public servant from the Government Headquarters Support Services – a government entity supporting the operation of the Chief Executive Office (GCE) and the five policy secretariats – reassured the public during yesterday’s Macau Forum that Alibaba Group will not have access to the data stored in a cloud computing data centre that is to be set up in the city under the government’s recent cooperation deal signed with the mainland-based e-commerce giant.The weekly open-air debate
August 14, 2017
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Most rogue cabbies are young: group
Macau Taxi Sector Federation Chairman Wong Peng Kei said yesterday that most of Macau’s rogue taxi drivers are youngsters who joined the sector in recent years.Wong made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a forum hosted by think tank Macau Wisdom Convergence Network in a sitting-out area in Fai Chi Kei. The open-air forum was about how local taxi services can be improved.Wong said that while there are some rogue taxi drivers in Macau, such as those refusing to pick up
August 14, 2017 | BY admin
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Local maths Olympiad squad wins gold
Five boys and a girl, all high school graduates, formed the local squad which took part in the “world cup” of maths in Brazil last month and came home with a gold medal – and five received a certificate of honourable mentions.With a history that dates back to 1959, the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the largest, oldest and most prestigious international maths contest for high school pupils.This year, the contest was held in Rio de Janeiro from July 12 to 23 with a total of
August 12, 2017 | BY admin
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Legislature passes landlord-tenant bill
The Legislative Assembly (AL) finally passed a bill jointly initiated by nine lawmakers which aims to tackle disputes between landlords and tenants, slated to come into effect 180 days after its promulgation in the Official Gazette (BO), during a plenary session last night.However, the legislature rejected an article in the bill which proposed that the chief executive could have placed a cap on rent increases based on certain conditions.The rejected article proposed a coefficient-based “rent
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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Group urges govt to halt cooperation with Alibaba
The grassroots New Macau Association (NMA) urged the government yesterday to halt its cooperation with Alibaba Group until the details of its “Framework Agreement of Strategic Cooperation on Smart City Development” are available for “public scrutiny”.The government signed the deal with Alibaba last Friday to develop Macau into a smart city, by using Alibaba’s big data processing capabilities to enhance the quality of the city’s public services, according to a government
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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Man, 66, kills wife, 71 after row over flat sale: police
A 66-year-old local man killed his 71-year-old wife with a cleaver and a pair of scissors on Wednesday after they had a heated argument earlier this week over the possible sale of their flat, the Judiciary Police (PJ) said yesterday, adding that the couple had been quarrelling for years over the percentage of money the man would get from the possible sale of their flat near the Barrier Gate border checkpoint.PJ spokesman Tam Weng Keong revealed details of the case during a special press
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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4th local dengue case confirmed: govt
he Health Bureau (SSM) yesterday confirmed the fourth locally-infected case of dengue fever this year.An SSM statement identified the victim as a 27-year-old local man living in Rua da Praia do Manduco.The bureau’s Public Health Laboratory confirmed yesterday that the patient has been infected with grade II dengue fever, the statement said.PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE IN OUR PRINT EDITION.
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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8 nabbed for Cotai loan sharking: police
Eight mainlanders were caught on Tuesday for alleged loan sharking in casinos in Cotai, a Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesperson said yesterday.According to the spokesperson, all the suspects, including two females, are members of a criminal gang in Jiangxi province. The suspects are aged from 27 to 45.The spokesperson said when the Public Security Police (PSP) were investigating an alleged illegal inn case in a residential flat in Taipa on Tuesday, they chanced upon the suspects, a number of
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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Beijing mulls new preferential policies for Macau people
BEIJING – The central government is considering a series of new preferential policies for Hong Kong and Macau residents, an official with the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council said this week.The central government has listed nearly 50 concerns of Hong Kong and Macau residents who live, study and work in the mainland, ranging from social insurance application and education access to job opportunities and tourism services, said the official who asked not to be named.Hong
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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No Dutch eggs imported this year: govt
The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) announced yesterday that no Dutch eggs have been imported into Macau this year.Foreign media reported last week that a large number of eggs were contaminated with fipronil, a toxic anti-lice agent, banned from being used to treat animals destined for human consumption, including chickens.After checking the food safety information released by the Dutch authorities, the bureau confirmed that Macau did not import any eggs from the Netherlands this
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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San Miu to open supermarket in Seac Pai Van: IACM
Supermarket operator San Miu will open a shop combining the product range of a traditional wet market and a modern supermarket in the huge Seac Pai Van public housing estate in Coloane, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) President Jose Tavares said yesterday.Tavares made the remarks when talking to reporters after a regular meeting of the bureau’s consultative council at the IACM headquarters in the city centre.Tavares said that “if everything goes well” the supermarket could open
August 11, 2017 | BY admin
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Man, 66, kills 71-year-old wife after money quarrel: police
A 66-year-old local man killed his 71-year-old wife with a cleaver in the early hours of yesterday after quarrelling with her over money in their flat near the Barrier Gate border checkpoint, the Public Security Police (PSP) said yesterday.The man, surnamed Loi, called for an ambulance at 3:16 a.m. after attacking his wife, the Public Security Police said, adding that the victim was rushed to the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre where she was pronounced dead after emergency
August 10, 2017 | BY admin
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Elex committee ‘doesn’t force candidates to keep silent’
Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) President Tong Hio Fong insisted yesterday that his committee has no intention of forcing candidates running in the upcoming legislative elections to keep silent before the official election campaign period starts next month.Tong said candidates were free to talk about “social affairs” in public in the run-up to the campaign.The direct and indirect legislative election will take place on September 17 while the official campaign period
August 10, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt to study Jockey Club development plan: Leong
Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac said yesterday the government has decided to extend the horse-racing concession of the Macau Jockey Club (MJC), which will expire at the end of this month, for another six months, to allow the government to study a development plan for the racetrack in Taipa submitted by the company recently.Leong made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a plenary session of the legislature yesterday.The government announced in the
August 10, 2017 | BY admin
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2 men busted for selling, hiding drugs in bush: police
Two mainland men were busted early yesterday for selling drugs and hiding them under a bush outside a hotel in Cotai, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Tam Weng Keong said yesterday.According to Tam, one of the suspects, surnamed Luo, is 26 years old while the other suspect, surnamed Liu, is aged 20. Both are unemployed, Tam said, adding the duo are from the same area in the mainland.Tam said the police had received a tip-off two weeks ago that Luo was selling drugs in Cotai. After investigating,
August 10, 2017 | BY admin
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