

After prolonged and relatively intense labour pains, Macau's first post-handover English-language daily was born without major complications this morning (August 27, 2004).

From now on, The Macau Post Daily will vigorously strive to become YOUR newspaper. We are a locally-owned and locally-made publication that fully identifies with Macau's unique way of life. After all, there is no place like Macau.

This English-language newspaper is a joint venture between local publishing and printing interests. Our editorial staff comprises local and foreign journalists who all know Macau well.

While English does not, unlike Portuguese and Chinese, have the status of an official language in Macau, it has become our city's de facto lingua franca. English is nowadays a universal language, particularly in the areas of trade, tourism, science and technology.

Macau's rapid economic development over the past few years, in the wake of the liberalization of  our vitally important gaming industry, has led to a strong increase in the number of foreign residents who neither speak Portuguese nor Chinese. This has created an acute need for a "made-in-Macau" English-language newspaper. We aim to use English as a tool to connect people in Macau, both residents and visitors, as well as all those elsewhere who are interested in knowing more about Macau. For this reason, we will soon launch a web-based edition.

English is, no doubt, the best way of putting Macau on the world map. That is why many local and foreign residents and visitors have for some time been calling for the launch of a mainstream English-language newspaper that provides its readers with independent and objective news and views on Macau.

The Macau Post Daily is an independent daily that focuses mainly on Macau, Greater China and Asian news and views, apart from strong coverage of sports, culture, the arts, and leisure. Our newspaper will not only be distributed in Macau but also in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Initially, our – YOUR – newspaper will be published every Monday through Friday.

The editorial principles of The Macau Post Daily are very clear: We support the principle of One Country, Two Systems, which forms the constitutional basis for Macau's autonomous status as an integral part of China. In this context, we defend a development of  Macau's socio-political system that fully respects the rights and liberties of its citizens in general, and ethnic minorities in particular, and that is also in line with the Macau Basic Law and the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration on the Question of Macau.

Significantly, our launch coincides with the centenary celebrations of the birth of one of history's most pragmatic leaders, Deng Xiaoping. Irrespective of the dramatic ups and downs of  his long political career, Deng will always be remembered as the one who launched China's opening-up and reform policies that, in the ultimate analysis, made possible Macau's special status as a highly autonomous region.

The Macau Post Daily does, of course, fully respect the privacy of individuals. We also support the preservation and cultivation of Macau's unique Sino-Portuguese heritage and identity, its centuries-old multiculturalism and racial harmony, as well as social justice and tolerance. The Macau Post Daily also promotes Macau's role as a platform for economic and cultural relations between the Greater China area and the rest of the world, particularly the Portuguese-speaking countries, Europe and North America.

Our objective is to serve Macau by acting as an interactive community newspaper. We welcome  contributions by residents, visitors and anyone else who has something to say about Macau. Do not hesitate to send in your views, suggestions and, last but not least, complaints. In order to make this newspaper a success, we need your participation.

We would also like to thank our advertisers for their strong support. The Macau Post Daily is fully financed by its owners, who are determined to maintain a friendly equidistance vis-a-vis Macau's different political and economic interests. Last but not least, The Macau Post Daily does not intend to compete with newspapers imported from Hong Kong or elsewhere. After all, we are Macau!

Harald Brüning

39 Rua dos Mercadores, Centro Comercial Ou Chong, 5/F, D, Macau

Advertising & Subscription Dept
