Editorial: Xi’an – where antiquity & modernity meet
A fact-finding visit to Xi’an, one of China’s Four Great Ancient Capitals (alongside Beijing, Nanjing and Luoyang) by an 18-member Portuguese- and English-language media delegation between Friday night and Sunday afternoon, of which I had the honour and pleasure to join, has reaffirmed my long-held view that the city of 13 million residents is one of the world’s prime examples of a site where antiquity and modernity meet in a strikingly congruent manner The visit was splendidly
September 4, 2024
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Editorial: Xiong’an – future in the making before our eyes
 At the invitation of the local Commissioner’s Office of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, representatives of Macau’s Portuguese- and English-language – media including The Macau Post Daily – visited last week two places in the Chinese mainland that represent both the nation’s ancient history and promising future – Xi’an and Xiong’an. The delegation also included several journalists from the local Chinese-language media, such as Macao Daily News and Cable TV. Both
September 3, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: 3rd plenum upholds realistic-cum-pragmatic approach to deepening reform
The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) adopted a resolution at the conclusion of its four-day third plenum last week on “Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernisation,” vowing, among other things, to “take a realistic and pragmatic approach, as we work to further unleash and develop the productive forces and tap into and boost the vitality of our society.”I have been convinced since my years at university back in the 1970s that for
July 22, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Foreign residents given tremendous midsummer gift
Macau’s about 20,000 foreign permanent residents* received yesterday a tremendous midsummer present from BeijingThe gift was warmly welcomed by permanent residents holding foreign nationality like my humble self. We all – wherever we are from – should thank the central authorities for this great bounty. The National Immigration Administration (NIA) announced yesterday that non-Chinese permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macau will be able to apply for mainland travel permits
July 2, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence – needed more than ever
After attending Friday’s conference marking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and one of its four sub-forums in Beijing on Friday, I am convinced all the more that they are needed more than ever. While participating in an exchange session with the nine panellists of the second sub-forum’s Topic 1 on “Upholding independence and jointly building a just and equitable international governance system”, headed by China Public Diplomacy Association
July 1, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: New guidelines put ‘diehard’ Taiwan separatists on final notice
The central authorities have put Taiwan’s hardcore separatists, those seeking foreign support in particular, on final notice, urging them to accept the “One China” principle or face the music, capital punishment in extremis. A set of guidelines was jointly released by the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the ministries of public security, state security and justice in Beijing on Friday. The guidelines impose criminal penalties on “diehard”
June 24, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: West’s ‘overcapacity’ narrative rears its ugly head again
Déjà vu! The West’s ill-advised “overcapacity” narrative is rearing its ugly head again, this time targeting China. Just a few decades ago it was aimed at Japan. “Japan bashing” was all the rage in the 1980s as the island nation was perceived by many in the US as a threat to its economy. In 1987 several members of Congress, histrionically swinging sledgehammers, demolished a Toshiba radio on the Capitol, acting out their anger at claims that a subsidiary of the Japanese
May 20, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Ideal reciprocity – GBA as Macau’s growth diversifier, Macau as GBA’s int’l interface
       A car ride from Macau through the Pearl River Delta (PRD) conurbation for a recent three-day Easter holiday trip to Guangzhou has reaffirmed my confidence in the great development potential of the vast Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA), which includes the PRD. The GBA marks this year the seventh anniversary of its establishment by the State Council. Since then, it has developed by leaps and bounds. Even the three-year COVID-19 pandemic couldn’t
May 6, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Mutuality, amity set Forum Macao apart
This week’s 6th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, also known as Forum Macao, has shown, once more, that mutuality and amity continue to be the globe-spanning forum’s most salient characteristics. Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said in a speech during the ministerial conference at its Sai Van service platform complex – its de-facto headquarters – that all the nine participating
April 24, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Forum Macao and Global Community of Shared Future – an organic relationship
The three-day, 10-nation 6th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also simply known as Forum Macao, will start this upcoming Sunday. Initiated by the Central People’s Government in October 2003 and organised by the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) in conjunction with a number of Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) whose membership of the organisation now stands at nine, Forum Macao has grown into
April 15, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: A 90-minute master class in (Chinese) foreign policy
Last week’s 90-minute press conference by veteran Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of the “two sessions” in Beijing was a master class about foreign policy in general and China’s in particular.Wang, a former Chinese ambassador to Japan who began his diplomatic career back in 1982 and current Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is one of the world’s most experienced foreign ministers. He is also one of the most outspoken and
March 11, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Sustainable tourism success needs continuous reflection
All in all, the eight-day Chinese New Year (CNY) holiday, i.e., the mainland’s Spring Festival’s “Golden Week”, was a resounding success for Macau’s tourism industry, the special administrative region’s number-one money spinner.However, in terms of public transport and both vehicular and pedestrian traffic it was, once again, a challenge – to put it mildly.This time I stayed in Macau during the whole CNY, which gave me the invaluable chance to observe and experience the holiday
February 19, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Lai’s win won’t sap nation’s wish for reunification
Taiwan’s pro-independence politician William Lai Ching-te’s election victory on Saturday will not lessen China’s determination to achieve national reunification through peaceful means in the nearest possible future. Lai, who has described himself as a “pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence,” won 40.05 percent of the 13.94 million valid votes cast, or 28.57 percent of the island’s 19.54 million registered voters, 71.86 percent of whom cast their ballots. The rival candidates
January 15, 2024 | BY admin
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Editorial: Brussels should ‘de-ideologise’ China-EU ties
As last week’s 24th China-EU Summit seems to have made headway in getting the two sides’ comprehensive strategic partnership back on track, I am cautiously upbeat about the future development of one of the world’s most important political and economic relationships. However, I am also more convinced than ever that, ultimately, Brussels needs to “de-ideologise” its relationship with Beijing by, for instance, throwing its emphasis on “de-risking” and “systemic rivalry”
December 11, 2023 | BY admin
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Editorial: Xi scores a major success in San Francisco, stresses mutual respect
     President Xi Jinping’s five-day visit to the United States for the 2023 APEC Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco and his summit meeting with his US counterpart Joe Biden last week on the outskirts of America’s ethnically most Chinese city has turned out to be a major success for China’s diplomacy. Xi delivered three important speeches during his stay in the City by the Bay – an address at the Welcome Dinner by Friendly Organisations in the United States, a
November 20, 2023 | BY admin
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