77-year-old steals smartphone then throws it away

2021-01-08 03:06
BY admin

A 77-year-old woman was arrested on Tuesday for stealing a smartphone worth 9,200 patacas, which she later threw away because she feared being found out, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Wong Wai Chon said at a regular press conference on Wednesday.

The local suspect surnamed Un told the police that she is jobless.

According to Wong, a local casino worker reported to the police late last year that he had lost his smartphone worth 9,200 patacas while riding his scooter through Rua da Tribuna near the Barrier Gate on October 24. 

The victim believed that his smartphone had slipped out of his jacket pocket and he had returned to the scene to look for it but was unable to find it. He also tried to call his smartphone number many times but no one answered the phone. So he reported the case to the police.

According to Wong, thanks to CCTV footage, PSP officers identified Un who picked up the smartphone from the street on that day. The officers arrested Un near Rua da Tribuna on Tuesday. Un admitted that she picked up the phone when she was passing by and took it home. However, she never used the phone and later threw it away because she was afraid of being found out.  

Un has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a theft-by-finding charge, according to Wong. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) on Wednesday shows a Public Security Police (PSP) officer escorting the suspect to a police station.


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