GEG supports Chinese children’s theatre play ‘Three Monks’

2021-01-22 02:58
BY admin

GEG recently supported the Chinese culture and arts development in organising the “Three Monks” performance at the Broadway Theatre of Broadway Macau by being the venue and technical support sponsor.

The “Three Monks” was performed by the China National Theatre for Children (CNTC).

To nurture the arts and cultural appreciation in local youths, GEG held a sharing session after the premiere, during which CNTC President Feng Li shared her experience with attending guests and students.

The students, invited by GEG, are from the Macao Conservatory and the Drama Society of the University of Macau. Among the audience were also troupes that have previously performed at the Broadway Theatre.

CNTC is an award-winning art troupe directly subordinated to the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China. CNTC is responsible for inheriting, developing and innovating children’s plays in China.

Over the past decades, CNTC has created and staged many well-known dramas, and cultivated several generations of talents for the children’s play circle.

On this occasion, CNTC brought an outstanding performance to Macau and allowed local audiences to enjoy a world-class children’s play up-close.

As one of the outstanding works of CNTC, the “Three Monks” has won many world-class awards. It has been staged in different provinces in China as well as in 20 countries around the world before making its first appearance in Macau.

The play blends wisdom with folklore, and delivers a cultural story through non-vocal body gestures and movements.

GEG has been supporting local arts and cultural activities as well as the development of the local creative industry by supporting many social service organisations and groups on hosting various activities and events at GEG’s properties. 

– gegpr

CNTC Feng Li shares her experience with attending guests and students after the Macau premiere of the “Three Monks” performance at Broadway Theatre. 

Photo: GEG


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