Exhibition shows USJ design students’ take on ‘commute’

2016-06-09 07:59
BY admin

Students from the Faculty of Creative Industries at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) majoring in design are holding a graduate exhibition aimed at exploring their interpretation of a common global phenomenon  – “commute”.

The “Commute – Design Graduate Exhibition” of creations by 13 graduate students is on display at Ponte 9 Creative Platform in the Inner Harbour area.

The students were asked to develop the theme “commute”: an individual design journey, according to a brochure about the display, pointing out that a practice common to everyone and yet a unique experience for each individual, the theme encompasses designs that relate to the activity of commuting, understood as a daily activity performed by millions of people worldwide – an individual journey through which humans experience the surrounding environment.

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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