Lawmakers pass bill raising procurement threshold amounts requiring govt to invite bids

2021-02-04 03:05
BY admin

The Legislative Assembly (AL) has passed the outline of a government-initiated bill which proposes to raise the official minimum threshold amounts six-fold requiring government officials to launch a public tender for public construction projects and for the government’s acquisition of goods and services.

According to the current public procurement regulation – Decree-Law 122/84/M – government officials are required to invite bids, if the construction cost of a particular public project is estimated to exceed 2.5 million patacas, and if the estimated cost for the acquisition of particular goods or services exceeds 750,000 patacas.

The bill, the outline of which was passed by a plenary session on Tuesday, proposes that the minimum threshold amounts be raised to 15 million patacas for the construction of public construction projects, and to 4.5 million patacas for the acquisition of particular goods or services, both six-fold.


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