Liaison Office Director urges Macau to 'ride the wind and plough the waves'

2021-02-14 18:08
BY admin

   Central People's Government Liaison Office in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Director Fu Ziying has urged Macau compatriots to "ride the wind and plough the waves",  quoting an ancient Chinese saying that urges people to be ambitious and unafraid. 

Fu, the highest-ranking central government official posted to Macau, made the appeal in a Chinese Lunar New Year (CNY) message released by his office on Thursday. 

 "Spring returns to Earth, love is warm in Haojiang," Fu said, referring to Macau by one of its ancient names. "Haojiang" means "oyster mirror". 

"On the occasion of the Spring Festival, on behalf of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the MSAR, I wish to extend New Year's greetings to all Macau compatriots and wish you a happy Chinese New Year and family, happiness" Fu said. 

Fu noted that Macau has just overcome the "extraordinary" Year of the Rat. Fu pointed out that with the "care and concern" of the central government and the strong support from the Motherland, the Macau government has united the greater part of the population, upheld "common national sentiment", promoted the "core values of patriotism and love of Macau," demonstrated "perseverance in its mission" and kept the COVID-19 menace at bay. 

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic in January last year, Macau has confirmed 48 COVID-19 cases, 46 of which have been classified by the local Health Bureau (SSM) as imported. No COVID-19-related fatalities have been reported in Macau, which has one of the lowest incidence rates of the disease in the world. Observers have described Macau as an "oasis" in the world's COVID-19 "desert". 

According to Fu, Macau's strategic achievements have been fully affirmed by President Xi Jinping. "Today's Macau is a stable and harmonious society" and people can truly feel the distinctive features of Macau's characteristics of being "small and rich", "small and strong", well off and "small and beautiful", Fu said in his message in which he also emphasised the "strong vitality" of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle. 

"In the wonderful moment of reunion and celebrating the Chinese New Year together, many people have actively responded to the initiative of the MSAR government to keep Macau safe, choosing to celebrate the Chinese New Year here, forgo the opportunity of reuniting with their families elsewhere, and many people have insisted on working to serve and protect residents' lives," Fu said. 

"Every ordinary moment is moving, and every ordinary person is a hero," Fu said, adding that "it is your contribution that has made Macau's unimpeded advancement possible and has built the foundation for the successful practice of 'One Country, Two Systems' with Macau characteristics." 

Fu added: "As long as we keep moving forward with determination, unswervingly seek the pursuit of a happy life, and work together to fight the epidemic, stabilise the economy, ensure employment, and take care of people's livelihoods, Macau will surely flourish in spring and create greater glories."

 Fu noted the symbolism of the Year of Ox, which commenced on Friday, pointing out that in traditional Chinese culture, the ox is a symbol of hard work, symbolising hope and prosperity. 

"Standing at the historical intersection of the 'two centenary' goals, in the first year of the nation's 14th Five-Year Plan, let us bear in mind President Xi Jinping's ardent entrustment," Fu stressed. 

The "two centenaries" refers to a set of goals advanced by Communist Party of China (CPC) General Secretary Xi in 2012: achieving a "moderately well-off" society in 2021 when the CPC marks the 100th anniversary of its founding, and the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 2049, at which point, China will have become a strong and modern socialist country.

Fu concluded his message with the following advice for people in Macau: "After the wind and rain, raise the sails to brave the winds and waves, start a new journey, continue to write a new chapter in the practice of 'One Country,Two Systems' with Macau characteristics, and create a better future for Macau!" 


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