4 suspects nabbed for 3 sham marriages

2021-03-15 02:52
BY admin

Two local men and two mainland women were arrested last week for their alleged involvement in three sham marriages, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam has announced.

The Judiciary Police discovered during the investigation that one of the mainland women married two local men in four years, Ho said.

The four suspects are a 57-year-old jobless local man surnamed Lo; a 43-year-old cabbie surnamed Leong, a 39-year-old jobless mainland woman surnamed Ye and a 53-year-old mainland woman surnamed Sun who owns garment shop.

According to Ho, the Judiciary Police were tipped off about the three sham marriages on June 21, 2019. After investigating, the Judiciary Police told the four suspects to report to a police station last week for questioning. Ho said Ye was pregnant when she “married” Lo in the mainland in December 2014. She moved to Macau in June 2015 and obtained a Macau ID card for her new-born son. Lo registered the boy as his son.

Ye and Lo divorced in 2016, and Ho pointed that the pair had never lived together.

Lo admitted that he had received “financial support” for the sham marriage. PJ officers discovered that he married another mainland woman – Sun – in the mainland in February 2017. Lo told the police that Sun had promised to “remunerate” him for the sham marriage, but he had never received any money from her, Ho said.

According to Ho, as Ye had not obtained her Macau ID, she met Leong through an intermediary and married him in the mainland in 2017, after which she applied to settle in Macau.

Leong admitted that he had received a total of HK$130,000 from Ye. Ho said that Ye had kept a “husband information card” containing Leong’s personal data so that if questioned by the authorities about their marriage she would have been able to answer their questions.

The Judiciary Police also discovered that Ye had previously used a cousin’s identity to enter Macau. Ho said that the “identity swap” case was still under investigation.

Ho said PJ officers discovered that there were contradictions in the statements provided by the four suspects.

The quartet were transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) last week, facing charges of document forgery while Ye also faces a charge of falsely reporting personal data, according to Ho.


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