Wong expects Qingmao checkpoint to open in H2

2021-05-06 03:58
BY admin

Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak reaffirmed yesterday that the local government believes that the Qingmao border checkpoint can open in the second half of this year.

Wong made the remarks while speaking to reporters after attending a closed-door committee meeting in the Legislative Assembly (AL).

The Qingmao checkpoint in Ilha Verde will be a land border crossing for pedestrians only, the first of its kind in Macau.

The Macau government’s Infrastructure Development Office (GDI) announced in a statement on Tuesday that the Qingmao checkpoint project has been completed, adding that GDI officials are now carrying out the final inspection. The GDI statement pointed out that the project comprises three parts, namely the Macau-side checkpoint building, the Zhuhai-side checkpoint building, and the redevelopment of the Duck Channel

The Duck Channel runs along the Macau-Zhuhai border. Tuesday’s GDI statement also noted that the Qingmao checkpoint aims to relieve the nearby Barrier Gate checkpoint’s traveller flow pressure. The Duck Channel redevelopment project aims to improve the water quality “in order to keep the water clear and odourless” through the removal of sludge, the interception of wastewater and the construction of a penstock system, the statement said.

The whole Qingmao checkpoint complex – including the Zhuhai-side checkpoint building – has been built by the Macau government. The whole project has been paid for by the Macau government, with the Guangdong government providing all the necessary support tasks.

A joint Macau-mainland immigration and customs clearance system officially known as “joint inspection and one-time release” will be adopted at the future Qingmao checkpoint – a 24/7 operation – where travellers will be required to pass border controls only once when completing their departure and arrival formalities.

Speaking to reporters yesterday, Wong noted that the Qingmao checkpoint will have 100 e-channels (50 channels each for departure and arrival) and four conventional channels (2 channels each for departure and arrival). Wong said that consequently the checkpoint will not need a large number of immigration officers, and any immigration officers working there will primarily be tasked with maintaining order and ensuring the checkpoint’s smooth operations.

Wong said that the installation of facilities in the Macau-side checkpoint building has been completed, while the installation of facilities in the Zhuhai-side checkpoint building is still ongoing. Wong said that after the installation of facilities in the Zhuhai-side checkpoint building is completed, Macau’s law enforcement agencies will carry out tests with their Zhuhai counterparts.

Wong said that after “everything” is prepared, the exact time of the checkpoint’s operational start will be jointly decided by the Macau and Zhuhai governments.

Wong also said that more public transport options will be available in Zhuhai after travellers arrive in the neighbouring city via the Qingmao checkpoint, adding he hopes that more local residents will choose the Qingmao checkpoint when they travel to Zhuhai.

Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak speaks to reporters in the Legislative Assembly (AL) yesterday. Photo: GCS

This undated handout photo released by the Infrastructure Development Office (GDI) on Tuesday shows the completed Qingmao border checkpoint in Ilha Verde.


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