Unauthorised vehicle enters Ruins of St. Paul’s College’s forecourt: IC

2021-05-10 03:21
BY admin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement on Friday that recently an unauthorised vehicle entered the forecourt of the Ruins of St. Paul’s College.

The statement did not mention what kind of vehicle entered the area.

The bureau said that it would pay close attention to the case, adding that it has already reported the incident to the Public Security Police (PSP).

The bureau urged residents to comply with the Road Traffic Law and Cultural Heritage Protection Law, which state that unauthorised vehicles are not allowed to drive or park on a non-public road of a cultural heritage property. The statement underlined that if the classified immovable heritage was damaged in such an incident, the person who was in control of the vehicle would face criminal charges.

The bureau said any resident who discovers that a classified heritage property has been damaged, should report the case to the bureau through https://www.culturalheritage.mo/en/report/.

The bureau added that if the case involves an emergency situation, residents should report it to the police right away.

The statement said that the bureau has been promoting the concept of protecting cultural heritage through various platforms. The bureau stressed that residents and visitors should cooperate in cultural heritage protection work.


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