Around 250,000 residents sign up for new e-consumption benefits plan

2021-05-13 03:31
BY admin

Up to yesterday morning, around 250,000 residents had signed up for the new electronic consumption benefits plan, a joint statement by the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and the Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM) said.

The statement noted that 107,000 residents signed up to receive the benefit from one of the eight local e-payment platforms and around 143,000 residents chose to continue to use last year’s consumption smartcard.

According to the statement, in order to promote the new plan, DSEDT and AMCM have joined hands and hosted eight talks to which over 600 residents attended. The statement said that the talks introduced and explained the steps required to sign up, receive the benefits and how it works.

The statement also said that residents who are still confused by the new plan can visit for more information. The two government entities also reminded residents that there is a seven-month period for sign ups, resident should not rush to decide which method they would like to receive the benefits.

The statement said for enquires regarding the sign-up procedures for the new plan, residents can call 2856 5071 / 2856 5072 or email to For other enquires regarding the plan, residents can call DESDT on 6299 8235 or email the bureau at Residents can also contact DESDT through its WeChat account: DSEDTONLINE.

This is a screenshot provided by DSEDT and AMCM yesterday of the webpage for the new economic consumption benefit plan.


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