Science & techno week to show ‘Intelligent Life’

2016-06-28 08:00
BY admin

The annual Science and Technology Week by the government-run Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) will kick off next week.

This time, the week is themed ‘Intelligent Life’.

Members of the fund – the convener of its working group for the popularisation of science Tong Chi Kin, executive members Mok Kai Meng and Cheang Kun Wai as well as Leong Pou Fong, who heads the fund’s activity support services – co-hosted a press conference at the headquarters of the fund in Nape yesterday.

Tong Chi Kin (second from right), the convener of the working group on popularising science and technology of the Science and Technology Development Fund, talks during yesterday’s press conference at the fund, while executive members Mok Kai Meng (second from left) and Cheang Kun Vai (right) as well as Leong Pou Fong. who heads fund’s activity support services, look on. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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