CTT urges public to stay vigilant against SMS fraud

2021-06-24 03:33
BY admin

The Macau Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) reminded residents in a statement yesterday that they should stay vigilant to guard against SMS fraud that requires receivers to enter their credit card numbers.

According to the statement, the bureau recently discovered that fraudsters are running rampant again by messaging residents claiming that they were from the bureau. The statement said that the messages ask for credit card numbers to pay for registered mail with the number RRxxxxxxxxxMO.

The bureau stressed that it never sends out messages and links to request residents to make payments, urging residents to stay vigilant when receiving such messages.

A separate statement by the Judiciary Police (PJ) said that a resident recently reported such a case. The statement said that the resident told the police that the fraudulent SMS came complete with a link requiring the addressee to enter his or her personal details. The police also reminded residents to be wary of such SMS messages, urging them to confirm the source before entering personal details such as credit card numbers.

The PJ statement also urged residents to spread the message to friends and family members to remind them not to fall for such scams. When receiving unsourced messages or suspected scam SMSes, the PJ urged residents to call the police on 8800 7777 or 993 to report their suspicion.

This poster provided by CTT yesterday warns residents not to fall for fraudulent SMS.


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