6 from Guangxi commit spate of burglaries in Macau: police

2021-07-14 03:41
BY admin

A total of six male illegal immigrants from Guangxi were arrested separately on Sunday and Monday for burgling multiple residential flats separately in Macau on June 12, July 5 and 10, and in December 2018, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Leng Kam Lon said during three special press conferences yesterday.

The six suspects are aged between 25 and 37 surnamed Ling, Luo - and four of them are surnamed Wei. Leng said all of them come from the same village in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

None of the Wei’s are related, according to Leng.

According to Leng, the Judiciary Police believe that the suspects mainly targeted low-rise flats and climbed into the units close to the hillside or the outer wall of the building. They broke into the flats by prying open the windows or caged balconies.

Leng said that the six suspects’ burglaries in low-rise buildings in Nam Van, Taipa and Shek Pai Van involved valuables such as cash, jewellery and watches worth more than 950,000 patacas. Among the sextet, four were arrested by Macau Customs Service officers when they illegally entered Macau by boat in Coloane’s Ká Hó area, while the other two were arrested in a hotel guestroom by the Public Security Police when officers were inspecting the hotel. All of them were transferred to the Judiciary Police (PJ) for follow-up investigation.

According to Leng, PJ officers seized from the suspects a plethora of burglary tools such as gloves, torches and the clothes which they wore when committing the burglaries. However, the officers were unable to locate the stolen valuables. The Judiciary Police are continuing their investigations into the cases and are looking for more possible suspects.

The six suspects were transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing aggravated theft charges, according to Leng.

Evidence seized from two of the six burglary suspects such as four pairs of gloves, a flashlight and two smartphones is displayed at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters yesterday.


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