It’s made-to-order fresh and all-you-can-eat at Grand Hyatt Monica Leong When it comes to a buffe

2016-07-01 07:59
BY admin

When it comes to a buffet, there are so many to choose from these days that they’ve all become more or less the same in what they offer but Grand Hyatt has taken this dining concept to another level by combining made-to-order, serve-it-to-you and all-you-can-eat together.

Grand Hyatt has recently redesigned its mezza9 restaurant to deliver a unique buffet dining experience, creating a feast for all five senses: guests can see the raw ingredients, hear the sizzling sound from the wok, smell the flavours coming from the stir-fries, touch the food when they toss their own salad and slice Parma ham, and of course, taste the dishes that are cooked according to your preference.

To achieve this sensory experience, open kitchens, cooking stations, walk-in cheese and cold-cut pantry, seafood and vegetable counters like the ones in supermarkets and an aquarium of live lobsters replaces the conventional buffet bar.

Photo: Grand Hyatt Macau


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