Baker survives monoxide poisoning: Health Bureau

2021-07-21 03:38
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement yesterday that a 27-year-old female baker passed out for five minutes when she was using a gas oven, adding that she was then later diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning.

The statement said that the incident happened yesterday at 2 a.m. when the patient and a colleague were using the gas oven. The statement said that at 4 a.m., the patient suddenly fainted and was unconscious for five minutes. A friend then took her to the private Kiang Wu Hospital after she had regained consciousness.

The statement noted that the patient’s carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb or HbCO) level was 18.1 percent. The diagnosis was carbon monoxide poisoning. The statement said that the patient’s condition has stabilised, while her colleague also had headaches but felt better later so that there was no need to see a doctor. The statement said that the bureau suspects the case was caused by a lack of ventilation in her work area, adding that the bureau is following up on the case.

The statement reminded residents that when suffering carbon monoxide poisoning, one experiences dizziness, vomiting and fainting, a condition that is potentially fatal. The bureau stressed that when using gas appliances, one must ensure that the area has good ventilation as otherwise carbon monoxide could collect.

The statement said that there are ways to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, such as ensuring that the room is ventilated, choosing quality gas appliances and using them properly, and installing carbon monoxide alarms in rooms that have gas appliances. The statement urged those affected by carbon monoxide poisoning to stay calm, leave the room immediately and go to an open area, loosen one’s clothing and seek medical help promptly.

For more information on how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, check out

Image courtesy of Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs


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