IC considering how to ease flooding at Sin Fong Temple: Mok

2021-07-22 03:26
BY admin

Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) Mok Ian Ian President said yesterday that Sin Fong Temple (先鋒廟) is affected by flooding whenever there is heavy rain, and her bureau is trying to follow-up and optimise ways to protect the protected heritage site.

Mok made the remarks on the sidelines of yesterday’s opening ceremony for ‘SJM Resorts, S. A.’s Art∙Creation•New Ambience – Transformative Thinking, Enter an Era of Extraordinary Breakthroughs’ at Grand Lisboa.

Mok noted that the temple is located in a low-lying area and therefore it tends to get flooded during the rainy season. She pointed out that her bureau reminded those in charge of the temple to improve its flood-prevention measures, and IC officials have been visiting the temple from time to time to ensure that the temple management is aware of the situation. Mok pledged that her bureau will continue to keep in touch with the temple’s representatives.

When asked whether the new rainwater pumping system in the Inner harbour was effective, Mok said that her bureau has been discussing with other government entities to find an effective way to solve the city’s flooding situation, adding that her bureau has been asking local temples’ representatives about their views on the matter.

Meanwhile, Mok said the renovation work at the Mandarin’s House (鄭家大屋) has started already, pointing out that her bureau decided not to build an extra layer of wall to protect the Mandarin’s House’s external walls as it would hinder vehicular traffic in the area. She added that her bureau has set up CCTV cameras and is planning to put up road signs to remind drivers to slow down when passing by the Mandarin’s House.

Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) President Mok Ian Ian talks to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s launch ceremony for ‘SJM Resorts, S. A. Art•Creation•New Ambience – Transformative Thinking, Enter an Era of Extraordinary Breakthroughs’ at Grand Lisboa. Photo: Prisca Tang


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