SSM warns not to use 2 types of slimming pills

2021-07-26 03:50
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) urged residents in a statement on Saturday not to purchase two types of slimming pills called in Chinese “温燃燒” (“warm burn”) and “消水丸” (“antihydropic pills”) as they contain sibutramine and furosemide respectively.

According to the packaging, the product “消水丸” was manufactured in Japan. The packaging of “温燃燒” does not indicate where the product was manufactured.

The statement said that according to the Hong Kong Department of Health, both products contain a mixture of sibutramine and furosemide. The statement also said that the department has warned against the purchasing and use of either product. The statement underlined that the Health Bureau has not permitted the importation or sale of the two products in the local market.

According to the statement, sibutramine can help suppress the appetite, and taking this product may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the Health Bureau has warned against the use of anything containing sibutramine. Moreover, the statement also noted that furosemide is a loop diuretic with commonly seen side effects such as dry mouth, increased thirst, nausea and light-headedness, migraines as well as irregular or increased heartbeat.

The statement said that in order to ensure public safety, the bureau will continue to closely monitor the importation of such products into Macau and urges people not to purchase the two brands of slimming pills, and those who have purchased the pills should stop using these them.

The statement said that for public safety reasons, the bureau will continue to closely monitor both products, urging residents not to purchase or take them. The statement warned that residents who have bought the products should stop taking them immediately and take them to the bureau’s Pharmaceutical Affairs Department. For more information and enquiries, residents can call 8598 3441 during office hours.

These undated handout photos provided by the Health Bureau (SSM) on Saturday show two brands of slimming pills “温燃燒 (right) and “消水丸”.


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