China opposes external interference in Macau affairs: spokesperson

2021-08-03 04:00
BY admin

BEIJING – China firmly opposes interference in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) affairs and China’s internal affairs by any external forces, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said yesterday.

The spokesperson made the remarks in a press release answering a query on a Macau-related issue.

On Saturday, Macau’s Court of Final Appeal (TUI) decided to dismiss appeals filed by the trustees of three candidacy lists and to uphold the decision of the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission to exclude the lists from the upcoming election. Spokespersons for the US State Department and the European External Action Service then voiced their opposition to the disqualification of the six candidates – two of each of the three lists.

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson said China deplores and rejects it that relevant sides have time and again made wanton comments on affairs of China’s Hong Kong and Macau special administrative regions (SARs).

Their moves are in grave violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, the spokesperson said.

Supporting the Basic Law of the Macau SAR (MSAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and pledging allegiance to the MSAR are the legal requirements for members of the Legislative Assembly, said the spokesperson.

The ruling by Macau’s top court, based on laws and facts, has implemented the fundamental principle of “patriots administering Macau” and safeguarded the constitutional order as established by the Constitution and the Basic Law. It has also kept the solemn election of the seventh term of the Macau Legislative Assembly (AL) free from irregularities, and demonstrated the judicial justice and authority of the MSAR, according to the spokesperson. “The relevant decision is supported by all sectors in Macau, and we firmly support it,” said the spokesperson.

Since Macau’s return to the motherland, the practice of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle has made remarkable achievements, the spokesperson said, adding that the wide-ranging rights and freedoms enjoyed by the people in Macau are fully protected under the law.

“These facts shall not be distorted,” the spokesperson said.

“I want to stress that Macau is China’s SAR. China will continue to resolutely ensure the steady and sustained implementation of the successful practice of “One Country, Two Systems” with Macau characteristics. In the meantime, we will firmly oppose interference in Macau affairs and China’s internal affairs by any external forces,” said the spokesperson.

Macau reverted to Chinese rule on December 20, 1999. – Xinhua, MPD


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