85 pct of Macau population tested for COVID-19

2021-08-06 19:07
BY admin

About 85 percent of Macau's population of around 682,000 has been tested for COVID-19 since Wednesday morning, according to this afternoon's regular press conference by the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre about the local COVID-19 situation 

According to the press conference, about 578,000 people had been tested for the novel coronavirus between 9 a.m. on Thursday and 4 p.m. today. 

Some 268,000 test results had been confirmed as negative as of 4 p.m., or around 46 percent of the tests that have been conducted since Thursday mornings. 

According to the latest available official demographics, Macau's population stood at 682,500 at the end of the first quarter. The special administrative region's population includes tens of thousands of non-resident workers from the Chinese mainland, the Philippines, Vietnam and elsewhere, as well as a sizeable expatriate community. 

Free nucleic acid testing (NAT) is being carried out at 42 sites around the clock. The citywide testing is slated to end at 9 a.m. tomorrow. 

The government launched the testing drive for the whole population after the confirmation of a Delta variant four-member family cluster early this week. 

Initially, the testing campaign resulted in long but generally orderly queues outside many of the sites. Some people said they had queued for more than five hours. However, the situation quickly improved yesterday when people needed to book an appointment and walksins were no longer accepted. Besides, the Guangdong provincial government sent 300 medical staff to assist in Macau's mass testing drive. 

Officials also announced at the press conference this afternoon that the 278 people living in a "red zone" area have all tested negative in their second nucleic acid test since Thursday. The home of the family of four who has been diagnosed with the Delta variant is located in the "red zone". The family members - two children and their parents -  are undergoing treatment at an isolation facility of the Macau Health Bureau. According to the press conference, their condition is stable. 

Including the Delta variant family cluster, Macau's COVID-19 tally stands at 63, while its novel coronavirus death toll is zero. Macau confirmed its first COVID-19 case on January 22 last year. All cases so far have been officially classified as imported or "connected to imported cases". 

Due to the Delta variant threat, the government has ordered the temporary closure of entertainment businesses such as karaoke bars, massage parlours, cinemas and lounges but the city's 37 dozen casinos  in operation have been allowed to stay open due to the fact that both gamblers and gambling staff are required to wear facemasks. 

The COVID-19 tests are mandatory for those who wish to travel abroad (including the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan), take public transport and enter certain premises and buildings such as Public Administration offices. 

The government public awareness announcement says that "all Macau inhabitants are required to each take a nucleic acid test for COVID-19."

The wearing of facemasks - which are provided by the government at a reduced price - has been ubiquitous in Macau since early last year. 

Due to the labour-intensive testing drive, the government's COVID-19 vaccination campaign has temporarily been suspended. 


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