Bank warns residents about WhatsApp scam messages

2021-08-25 03:32
BY admin

OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited (“OCBC Wing Hang”) said in a statement on its website yesterday that fraudsters are impersonating OCBC Wing Hang’s staff on WhatsApp, trying to fool its customers and members of the general public into purchasing financial products and conduct transactions.

According to the statement, the bogus messages, name cards, photos, notices and videos are sent by scammers masquerading as OCBC staff members. The statement reaffirms that the messages are “forged and fraudulent”, adding that the case has been reported to the Judiciary Police (PJ) and the Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM). The bank promised that it will take the necessary action to protect the interests of its customers and the general public. The statement said that public are strongly advised to stay vigilant and protect their property and personal information at all times.

The statement also said that any customer who has provided any sensitive personal information to suspicious persons or has conducted any suspicious transactions with them should immediately call OCBC Wing Hang’s customer hotline on 8398 3456 for assistance and also report the case to the police at once.


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