16-year-old girl ‘falls’ from building: police

2021-09-02 03:52
BY admin

Camy Tam

        The Judiciary Police (PJ) were notified by the Public Security Police (PSP) and the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre at about 7:10 a.m. yesterday that a girl was believed to have “fallen” from a height in Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga earlier that morning.

The girl was rushed by firefighters to the hospital where doctors were unable to save her life. PJ officers went to the scene to investigate, according to a message by Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chong Kam Leong yesterday.

The 16-year-old victim was a local student.

According the Chong’s message, a citizen, whose gender was not revealed, reported to the police at about 6:25 a.m. yesterday that a girl was lying on the street in Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga when he or she walked along the street. The victim’s parents later arrived at the scene and confirmed that the victim was their daughter. They told the police that they could not find their daughter at home and were looking for her. The parents had earlier discovered that the door of the bathroom’s window grill had been opened. PJ officers initially believed that the victim fell from the opened grill door to the street.

According to a preliminary examination of the body, the injuries were caused by falling from a height. A suicide note was found at the victim’s home which cited personal matters. A forensic examination will be carried out and the Judiciary Police are continuing their investigation into the case, according to Chong’s message.

Anyone with suicidal thoughts looking for assistance is urged to call Caritas hotline 2852-5222 or the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) counselling hotline 2826-1126.


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