Nigerian nabbed for drug trafficking – after 9 years in jail for same crime

2021-09-17 03:06
BY admin

Camy Tam

        A Nigerian man was arrested on Wednesday in Toi San district for drug trafficking, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai said at a special press conference yesterday.

According to Lou, about six packets containing six grammes of ketamine in total, a packet of cocaine weighing one gramme worth about 10,000 patacas and suspected “drug money” of HK$23,000 and 203,000 patacas in cash were found in the suspect’s flat in Toi San later that day.

The 47-year-old jobless suspect is surnamed Onuzulike. Lou said that the suspect was sentenced to jail for nine years in September 2001 for a drug-trafficking crime. He was released from prison on August 4 last year and has remained in Macau on a temporary stay permit.

According to Lou, the Judiciary Police were tipped off recently that an African man was selling drugs to customers at night entertainment venues in Toi San. PJ officers identified Onuzulike as the suspect and discovered where he lived, and put him under surveillance on Wednesday. The officers intercepted the suspect in the neighbourhood but found nothing on him. The officers later went to his home in Toi San district and seized six packets of ketamine and one packet of cocaine hidden in a sock, as well as HK$23,000 and 203,000 patacas in suspected drug money.

Under questioning, Onuzulike denied selling and taking drugs, and he tested negative for drugs. According to the preliminary investigation, the Judiciary Police believe that Onuzulike had been engaged in drug trafficking again for about two weeks, after nine years in jail for the same kind of crime.

Onuzulike was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing charges of trafficking in narcotic and psychotropic substances, according to Lou.

The hooded Nigerian drug suspect is being escorted by Judiciary Police (PJ) officers from the PJ headquarters to a PJ vehicle yesterday. Photos: Camy Tam

Evidence seized from the drug suspect such as Hong Kong dollar and pataca notes, two smartphones, a sock and a quantity of drugs is displayed at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters yesterday.


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