Collective exhibition marks Creative Macau’s 18th anniversary

2021-09-27 02:28
BY Camy Tam

An exhibition entitled “OPEN・CLOSE・OPEN” (重開・重閉・重啓) by 33 local artists is being hosted by Creative Macau – Centre for Creative Industries to mark the centre’s 18th anniversary. The event is supported by the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM).

All the artists are members of Creative Macau.

According to a recent statement by Creative Macau, the aim for this year’s collective anniversary exhibition is to express the ups and downs of the artists’ feelings. Each work transmits personal feelings experienced, either real or metaphorical, with the dilemma of Open – Close – Open, inside/outside of themselves. The theme inspired the artists to create works based on their daily life changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic that affected citizens’ mobility all over the world.  Open-Close-Open also refers to the predicament of maintaining or ending a business during the pandemic, which has been a frequent dilemma for multinationals and medium- and small-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The exhibition is on until Thursday on the ground floor of the Macau Cultural Centre complex in Nape from Monday to Saturday except Sundays and public holidays from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Some of the artworks are for sale, priced at between 590 and 48,000 patacas.

Due to last week’s detection of three new COVID-19 cases, the venue has been temporarily closed. For enquiries, call 2875 3282 or email



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