IPM to publish new Portuguese textbook: head

2016-07-12 08:00
BY admin

Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) President Lei Heong Iok said yesterday he expected his institute to publish a new Portuguese textbook, the fourth in a series of books, for Chinese-speaking students in the whole nation in September.  

Lei made the remarks after the opening ceremony of a six-day training course for local and mainland Portuguese-language teachers on the IPM campus in Zape. 

According to Lei, there are around 30 higher education institutions in the mainland running Portuguese-language courses, but most of their teachers are rather junior and lack suitable teaching materials. 

Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) President Lei Heong Iok speaks to reporters after the opening ceremony of a training course for local and mainland Portuguese-language teachers on the IPM campus in Zape. Photo: Davis Ip 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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