Gaming crimes rise 33 pct in Jan-May PJ chief

2016-07-13 08:00
BY admin

Judiciary Police (PJ) Director Chao Wai Kuong said yesterday that gaming-related crimes increased by 33 percent in the first five months year-on-year. 

Chao made the remarks while addressing an award ceremony commemorating the 56th anniversary of the Judiciary Police at the PJ headquarters in Zape.

Chao said that despite the gaming revenue slump, there hadn’t been an increase in public security issues. However, there was a 33 percent increase in the number of reported gaming-related cases in the first five months of the year, from 571 cases in the same period last year to 660 cases.

Judiciary Police (PJ) Director Chao Wai Kuong (left) addresses an award ceremony commemorating the 56th anniversary of the Judiciary Police at the PJ headquarters in Zape yesterday. Photo: Iong Tat Choi

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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