Boxer dies after sparring bout

2021-10-14 03:05
BY Camy Tam

A local man was certified dead yesterday after he had been injured by a friend during a sparring bout on October 4, according to a statement by Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chong Kam Leong yesterday.

The deceased was a 34-year- old local man, while his friend (the suspect) is a 28-year-old local man, who told the police that he is a Muay Thai fighter.

According to Chong, the Public Security Police referred a case of grievous bodily harm during a sparring bout to the Judiciary Police on October 5 evening in which the victim was seriously injured. The suspect was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on October 6 and an examining magistrate decided to release the suspect on his own recognisance.

Chong’s statement said that the Judiciary Police received an official notice yesterday afternoon that the victim had died. According to the statement, the exact cause of death will be determined by a forensic examination.


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