Lawmaker, group oppose more govt discretion over land issues

2016-07-18 08:00
BY admin

Grassroots lawmaker Au Kam San said yesterday the Land Law would go backwards if the government is given even more discretion when dealing with land concessions, adding that he would oppose any changes to the law aiming to increase the government’s discretion on land issues.

Au also said that that anyone or any company having doubts about a particular law should go to court to ask for an interpretation as the Legislative Assembly shouldn’t involve itself with the interpretation of laws. 

The veteran lawmaker made the remarks on the sidelines of a seminar about the Land Law at the Diocesan Pastoral Youth Centre near the Red Market.

Grassroots lawmaker Au Kam San talks to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s seminar about the current Land Law row, at the Diocesan Pastoral Youth Centre near the Red Market. Photos: Ian Sio Tou

Agnes Lam Iok Fong (second from left), a media studies assistant professor at the University of Macau, speaks during yesterday’s Land Law forum at the Diocesan Pastoral Youth Centre while grassroots lawmakers Antonio Ng Kuok Cheong (third from left) and Au Kam San (second from right) as well as social activist Lei Man Chao (left), all of them panellists at the one-day seminar, look on. Photo: Ian Sio Tou  

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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