Man suffers inflammatory cardiomyopathy post-COVID-19 jab: SSM

2021-11-18 02:51
BY Prisca Tang

A 24-year-old man was diagnosed with inflammatory cardiomyopathy, also known as myocarditis, after his second BioNTech mRNA jab, and the Health Bureau (SSM) said yesterday that the case has been classified as a “serious” adverse event after being inoculated against the novel coronavirus.

According to the statement, a 24-year-old got his second jab last Friday and started to have a fever and headache the following day. The statement said that the man went to the public Conde S. Januário Hospital Centre on Saturday and was treated by a doctor, adding that his fever, however, went as high as 39.6 degree Celsius on Sunday when he also started to experience chest pain.

The statement noted that on Monday the man went to the private Kiang Wu Hospital for emergency treatment and his electrocardiogram showed an irregularity. The statement pointed out that after a blood test, it appeared that his cardiac troponin T (TnT) had increased significantly, and the doctor diagnosed him as having “acute inflammatory cardiomyopathy”. The statement underlined that after being treated, the man’s chest pain eased.

The statement said that as the man had been inoculated against COVID-19 prior to the serious adverse event, the case has been transferred to the bureau’s special working group tasked with assessing serious adverse events after COVID-19 vaccinations.

According to the statement, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says that there is evidence that inflammatory cardiomyopathy and BioNTech mRNA jabs are correlated, especially for younger males and usually after their second shot. 


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