UM, mainland universities share views on modern college education

2021-12-07 03:01
BY Rui Pastorin

The University of Macau (UM) announced in a statement yesterday that it exchanged views with mainland Chinese universities about modern college education during an online event.

The online event, held yesterday, was entitled “Set Sail for New Horizons on the 40th Anniversary University of Macau Residential College Education Forum – University Residential College Whole-Person Education in Action: The Experience of Universities in China”, according to the statement.

The statement added that UM and the heads of Tsinghua University, Peking University (PKU), Zhejiang University (ZJU) and Fudan University shared their views on the topic.

The statement quoted UM Rector Song Yonghua (aka Yonghua Song) as saying that UM’s Residential Colleges (RCs) offer students a platform to integrate their knowledge. Moreover, the statement pointed out that the “RC system reflects the university’s ‘4-in-1’ model of education in line with the concept of whole-person education to nurture university graduates with academic achievements and moral integrity”.

The statement pointed out that as each RC has students of different majors living together, it creates a learning environment that allows them to interact with those of different majors, cultural backgrounds, as well as being a place to learn from each other. The statement also said that students can have the opportunity to “develop a global perspective, learn to think independently, and uphold self-confidence in terms of their cultural backgrounds”, while also having real-life applications for the workforce.

The statement underlined that speakers from the different universities also shared their experiences in applying RC systems and its applications in educating students, as well as exchanging ideas on “new opportunities for university education and RC education in China”.

The statement added that the event also included UM’s launch of a book titled ‘University Residential Colleges: Whole-Person Education in Action—The Experience of University of Macau’. The book discusses “the origin, evolution, and vision of UM’s RC system” and is available both as a hard copy and an e-book at 

This handout photo provided by the University of Macau (UM) shows participants in yesterday’s online event titled “Set Sail for New Horizons on the 40th Anniversary University of Macau Residential College Education Forum – University Residential College Whole-Person Education in Action: The Experience of Universities in China”. The caption provided by UM did not identify the participants.


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