Invitation to HK lawbreaker exposes sham of US summit

2021-12-10 03:05
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Commentary by Zhang Zhouxiang

      Nathan Law Kwun-chung, who has been on the wanted list of Hong Kong police for suspected anti-national security activities for more than a year, wrote on Facebook on December 5 that he has been invited by the US president to speak at the “Summit for Democracy”.

Law is on the run for brainwashing youths in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and using them as cannon fodder for his street politics. He not only indulged in secessionist activities but also colluded with foreign forces to foment trouble in Hong Kong. That he has been invited to speak at the “democracy” meeting shows the true intention of certain Western politicians behind holding such events: to badmouth China.

But some of the organizers of the two-day meeting which ends today are so desperate to find an actor to do their bidding that they chose a person with a very bad record.

Law was elected to the Hong Kong Legislative Council in 2017, but was disqualified along with Lau Siu-lai, Baggio Leung Chung-hang and Yau Wai-ching because of flaws in their oath-taking.

When he got a chance to uphold democracy, he would not even deliver his oath correctly.

Law instigated school students in Hong Kong to quit class in 2019 and attack innocent residents. He was photographed with the US Consulate General’s political unit chief at a hotel in Hong Kong during the social unrest in the city. Whatever his claims, Law was never a “democratic leader”. Instead, he is a saboteur of democracy.

His Western patrons invited him to speak at the summit because those with any real social influence in Hong Kong are patriots who love democracy and wouldn’t want to attend a sham democracy meeting.

The one thing Law shares with the Western politicians hosting him is privilege. In mid-August 2019, when the youths misled by Law laid siege to the Hong Kong airport, Law boarded a flight and left to attend his new semester at Yale, giving rise to the popular saying: “Yale for Law, and jail for those he brainwashed.” But jail still awaits Law and he will face a fair trial for his deeds one day.

– Courtesy of China Daily


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