Filipinos celebrate Christmas with ‘Paskong Pinoy’

2021-12-20 03:44
BY Rui Pastorin

The Philippine Consulate General in Macau organised an event called “Paskong Pinoy sa Macau 2021” yesterday afternoon at Saint Joseph’s Seminary in celebration of Christmas for Filipinos in Macau.

The literal translation of “Paskong Pinoy sa Macau 2021” is “Filipino Christmas in Macau 2021”. 

The one-day event was co-organised by various entities such as the Caritas WelAnser Centre and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation. The event programme consisted of numerous performances from various Filipino groups, with several rounds of raffle draws in between performances. 

The importance of Christmas to Filipinos

Philippine Consul General Porfirio M. Mayo Jr. spoke with The Macau Post Daily about the event’s importance, saying that Christmas is a “very special” season for Filipinos, adding that it “is always closest to the heart of every Filipino”.

Mayo added that it had been two years since the event was last held, pointing out that the event is a way to bring people together. “Each of us, we are away from our families back in the Philippines. So, this is a chance for us to be together”.  

Sharing a message with the city’s Filipino community, Mayo said that Christmas is a time “to be kind to each other” as well as to participate in acts of charity, remarking on the challenges that the country is facing with people stricken by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the effects of a recent typhoon. Mayo said that Christmas is a time to give support and happiness “to our families back home” as well as to those in need in Macau. “It’s time to reach out and try to extend a helping hand to each other.”

Meanwhile, Caritas Secretary General Paul Pun Chi Meng, who was also at the event, told The Macau Post Daily that Christmas is an important event for Filipino migrants in Macau and that the event is important especially as many are far away from home. Pun added that having an opportunity to celebrate Christmas enables people to think of others, as well as emphasising that it can bring “joy, peace and love to those who need it”.

Home for Christmas

Meanwhile, Mayo was also asked by The Macau Post Daily about the 26th repatriation flight back to the Philippines, which took off on Thursday. Mayo said that nearly 200 people were on the flight and brought the number of people that the consulate assisted to “more than 5,100”. Mayo added that some of those assisted had lost their jobs and wanted to be home to spend Christmas with their families. 

Philippine Consul General Porfirio M. Mayo Jr. gives his welcoming remarks at the “Paskong Pinoy sa Macau 2021” event at the auditorium of Saint Joseph’s Seminary yesterday afternoon.

Caritas Macau’s Secretary-General Paul Pun Chi Meng delivers a message before the opening performance of yesterday’s event.

Crowds of Filipinos watch a string of perfomances during yesterday’s event at the auditorium of Saint Joseph’s Seminary. Photos: Rui Pastorin


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