Nurse sexually harasses 7 girls during COVID-19 jabs: police

2021-12-20 03:49
BY Camy Tam

A local male nurse was arrested on Thursday for sexually harassing seven schoolgirls when they were having their COVID-19 jabs at the Macau Forum earlier that day, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam said at a press conference on Friday.

The 33-year-old suspect is surnamed Vong.

According to Ho, a local secondary school reported to the Judiciary Police on Thursday that a male nurse sexually harassed seven of its students aged 13 to 16 at the Macao Forum vaccination centre one after another when they were getting their COVID-19 jabs earlier that day. Ho said that the school had arranged a special vaccination session for their students on that day.

Ho said that the school doctor who accompanied them was waiting outside the centre. The nurse first verbally teased some of the girls when he was administering the jabs before he touched some of the girls’ breasts or pressed his legs against their thighs. After the incident, some of the girls panicked and told the school about the incident. 

According to Ho, PJ officers identified Vong as the suspect and arrested him at his home in the northern district later that day. Vong steadfastly refused to cooperate with the police.

Vong has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing charges of minors’ sexual harassment and sexual assault, according to Ho.

Meanwhile, the Health Bureau said in a separate statement on Thursday night that the bureau and the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) arranged counsellors to work with the school’s counselling team to provide psychological assistance for the girls and their parents.  


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