IAM launches wet market info app to check prices

2022-01-04 03:07
BY Prisca Tang

A market information app was launched on New Year’s Day to assist residents in checking the daily prices of different goods at various wet markets, the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement yesterday.

According to the statement, residents can check the prices of goods, such as cooked foods, beef, pork, fish, seafood and vegetables at different wet markets, and they can compare the weekly, monthly and yearly prices of the products. The statement added that the app also has conversions in the decimal system that calculates the unit price per unit weight. The statement said that the app also provides information on the number of available parking spaces in car parks and the opening hours for cooked-food stalls and activity centres.

The statement pointed out that the aim of launching this app is to maintain order among public markets, increase pricing transparency and improving the management system of the wet markets.

The statement noted that the app comes in three languages –Chinese, Portuguese and English. Residents can use the website version at https://app.iam.gov.mo/marketinfo or download the app by scanning its QR code. 

This is the QR code for residents interested in downloading the app to check the prices of wet market goods. Photo: IAM


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