Local govt ‘firmly opposes’ report by Taiwan authority on Macau

2022-01-10 03:48
BY admin

The local government “firmly opposes” the claims by a so-called research report by the Taiwan authority’s mainland affairs body about the situation in Macau.  

According to a statement released by the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) on Saturday, the report is “seriously out of touch” with the reality in Macau and written from a “biased perspective”. 

The statement underlined that Macau’s office in Taipei had to cease operations on June 19, 2021 because its staff members were denied work permits by the Taiwan authority. The statement pointed out that the local government has always acted in line with the law as far as the work permits for staff from Taiwan for the island’s office here are concerned. 

The statement stressed that the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) will continue to handle its relations with Taiwan in accordance with the MSAR Basic Law and the basic principles and policies of the central government concerning Taiwan-Macau relations. It also said that Macau will continue to promote non-governmental exchanges and cooperation between the two regions. 


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