Youth Career Expo to offer 3,000 job opportunities

2016-07-27 08:00
BY admin

Over 60 organisations and enterprises will participate in the Youth Career Expo 2016 this weekend. The organisers of the event expect around 4,000 young people to attend, about 3,000 employment opportunities will be available.

The two-day annual event is co-organised by the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL), General Association of Chinese Students of Macau (AECM) and the Macau New Chinese Youth Association (ANJCM). 

DSAL Vice Director Chan Un Tong and AECM Vice President Tai Ka Peng jointly presided over a press conference at the bureau’s Occupational Safety and Health Department’s training centre in Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira.

General Association of Chinese Students of Macau (AECM) Vice President Tai Ka Peng (left) and  Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) Vice Director Chan Un Tong (right) attend yesterday’s press conference at the bureau’s Occupational Safety and Health Department’s training centre. Photo: Janet Kwok

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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