Customs seizes goods worth 4.2 million patacas

2022-01-21 03:54
BY Prisca Tang

The Macau Customs Service said in a statement yesterday that its officers arrested on Tuesday six people suspected of involvement in parallel trading and confiscated 6,800 items worth around 4.2 million patacas.

The statement said that as parallel trading has ever become harder to spot, customs officers have been monitoring shops and located one of them in the northern district suspected of involvement in parallel trading. The statement noted that on Tuesday afternoon, customs officers collaborated with the Public Security Police (PSP) and seized a large quantity of beauty products.

The statement said the investigation discovered that in this case the parallel traders used, once again, their “ants-moving-home” tactic, i.e., they picked up a small quantity of goods each time and smuggled them from Guangdong to Macau. The statement pointed out that the customs officers seized over 6,800 items, estimating that they are worth about 4.2 million patacas.

The statement pointed out that the officers arrested two people in charge of the shop, another staff member and three suspected parallel traders for breaching the External Trade Law. The statement underlined that the suspects face a fine of up to 50,000 patacas each for violating the law. The Public Security Police (PSP) confirmed that the shop operated without a business licence, therefore the case was transferred to the Financial Services Bureau (DSF).

The Customs Service urged residents not to engage in contraband activities as they could increase the risk of spreading the virus. The statement said if they suspect anyone of carrying out such illegal activities, residents can call 2896 5001 or email to report the case. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Macau Customs Service yesterday shows the contraband seized by its officers on Tuesday from a shop in the northern district.


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