CC promotes ‘Consumer Rights & Interests Protection Law’ before CNY

2022-01-28 03:52
BY Rui Pastorin

According to a statement from the Consumer Council (CC), the “Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law” is being promoted in the run-up to the Chinese New Year (CNY).

The statement underlined that leaflets were distributed to the CNY Fair stall owners in Praça do Tap Seac during a site visit by the council with the Macau Custom Service, Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) and Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT). The leaflets reminded stall owners to only “sell lawful and safe products” as well as to label all products in patacas.

The site visit was also conducted to ensure the quality of the merchandise sold at the fair. After the visit, the statement said, stall owners found the government departments’ promotional work helpful in letting them know more about laws and regulations.

The Consumer Council and the Macau Custom Service recently also carried out other promotional campaigns to distribute “Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law” brochures and leaflets on intellectual property protection to shop owners with the aim of increasing their “knowledge of various laws and regulations and conduct their businesses in line with good business practices” the statement pointed out.

Moreover, the council also held a meeting with the DSEDT, Macau Government Tourist Office (DST), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Judiciary Police (PJ), Public Security Police Force (PSP), Macau Custom Service, IAM, Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau (ISAF), and Macau Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) to discuss the measures to be taken during the CNY holiday period due to an expected increase in consumption.

The statement also urged the city’s “Certified Shops” to obey the law, conduct business honestly, and comply with the regulations of the “Certified Shop” mechanism. 

This undated handout photo shows members of the Consumer Council (CC) distributing brochures about “Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law”.


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