Forum slams govt for lacking urban renewal rules

2016-08-01 08:00
BY admin

Attending the weekly forum in Areia Preta Park hosted by government broadcaster TDM, speakers and audience members alike slammed the government yesterday for lacking the necessary regulations and comprehensive policies to start the city’s long-delayed urban renewal projects.

Yesterday’s programme focused on the government’s announcement last week that it would build temporary housing for residents affected by urban renewal projects. The forum also discussed the issue of whether the current percentage of flat owners agreeing needed to start the reconstruction of an old building should be changed or not.

In an attempt to get urban renewal projects finally off the ground, Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On said last week the government would set aside some land for the construction of temporary housing, adding that the government would draft a string of regulations to support the city’s urban renewal projects such as by reducing certain types of taxes to encourage residents to reconstruct their dilapidated buildings.

Audience members and guest speakers attend yesterday’s Macau Forum hosted by government-owned broadcaster TDM in Areia Preta Park yesterday.   Photo: Ian Sio Tou 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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