Hard-up gambler takes nude video of sex worker, robs 100,000 yuan

2022-02-24 03:31
BY Camy Tam

The owner of a driving school in the mainland who came to Macau to gamble in local casinos was arrested on Tuesday for taking a nude video of and robbing 100,000 yuan (127,300 patacas) from a sex worker early that day in a hotel guestroom in Zape, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei said at a special press conference yesterday.

The 43-year-old suspect surnamed Huang told the police that he owns a driving school in the mainland. The victim is in her thirties from the mainland and is working as a prostitute during her stay here.

According to Lei, the Judiciary Police received a report from a hotel in Zape on Tuesday that a man robbed 100,000 yuan from a female guest in her room. The victim told the police that in the wee hours of Tuesday she met Huang who was staying in the same hotel and she offered him sex for HK$2,000 in her room. However, Huang refused to pay after they had sex. Instead, he grabbed her neck and tied her hands with phone charging cables. He then filmed the naked victim with his smartphone and told her not to call the police but to give him the password of her online bank account otherwise he would send her nude clips to her friends and relatives. Under duress, the victim revealed her password, and Huang transferred 100,000 yuan to his account and then left the room.

Lei said that the victim, with her hands still tied, called the hotel staff for help. The Judiciary Police scrutinised CCTV footage and identified Huang as the suspect. PJ officers arrested him at about 8 a.m. in a sauna in Zape. Under questioning, Huang admitted to robbing the woman. He told the police that he came to Macau on February 14 to gamble but lost all his money. Right after robbing the woman, he went straight to a casino-resort hotel in Cotai and exchanged the 100,000 yuan into Hong Kong dollars with an illegal currency exchange dealer. Soon afterwards, he gambled away all the money.

Huang was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing charges of robbery and illegal filming, according to Lei. 

The hooded robbery suspect is escorted by Judiciary Police (PJ) officers from the PJ headquarters to a PJ vehicle in Zape yesterday. Photos courtesy of TDM

Evidence seized from the robbery suspect such as two smartphones, cash and smartphone charging cables is displayed at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters yesterday. The male suspect allegedly used the charging cables to tie the victim’s hands.


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