Gen Z experiencing more stress than previous ones & here is how to cope with it

2022-02-28 02:19
BY Ula Cheang

Generation Z (Gen Z), people born between the late 1990s and early 2000s, is facing a higher level of stress with the emergence of social media. How is it stirring up stress for Gen Z? More importantly, how can Gen Z cope with stress?

I once overheard some elderly people saying on the bus that Gen Z should be the least stressed generation. One of the old men said that Gen Z was born when the internet, smartphones and social media arose, in which they can look up information by tapping on the screen rather than going to libraries and pouring over books just to find an answer to their homework.

I partly agree with them. It is true that technology brings convenience to Gen Z’s life and allows friends to stay in touch by messaging. However, I disagree that Gen Z is the least stressed generation. Gen Z, in particular, is facing new kinds of stress coming from social media which other generations have never experienced before.

As a Gen Z myself, I couldn’t agree more that social media are the leading platform to communicate and access news. However, excessive use leads to addiction. Gen Z spends hours on social media posting “camera eats first” contents or scrolling through feeds after waking up and before sleeping. The time wasted on social media results in distraction from working or studying. Procrastination and cramming for exams to be done in a few hours eventually lead to stress.

Ironically, social media are love-hate platforms for Gen Z. It’s there where people share their fun moments but is also the source of cyberbullying. In recent years, anonymous chat websites such as Tellonym have become a popular trend for Gen Z to receive feedback and opinions from others anonymously. It is great for interacting with people. Yet, I have seen “keyboard warriors” who take it too far. Some judgements involved body shaming such as calling someone “fat”.

The term “keyboard warrior” is used to characterise someone who sends out brutal attacks on the internet but doesn’t do much in real life.

How to cope with stress?

The best and direct way is to talk to someone who is willing to listen, such as parents and friends. It is not shameful to share personal problems. Instead, sharing allows one to become less bothered about an issue. Not every talk can fix an issue, but can definitely heal one’s emotions and reduce stress levels.

Picking up new hobbies can relieve stress by taking one’s mind off thinking negatively as well. Hobbies such as playing music, drawing or doing sports bring positive pleasures and the feeling of accomplishment. There is nothing to feel guilty about taking breaks during stressful periods.

Quitting social media once in a while allows one to be more concentrated. As mentioned earlier, social media cause stress by distracting one from getting things done or by cyberbullying. Try quitting for a week or more, changes one’s perspective about life. Focusing less on what others think about you, spending more quality time with friends and families in reality rather than online, as well as being more concentrated on work or studies, ensures a balanced and stress-free environment for oneself. 

Photos: Ula Cheang


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