Another carbon monoxide poisoning case: SSM

2022-03-01 03:50
BY Prisca Tang

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement yesterday that a 28-year-old local female was diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning after showering.

According to the statement, the woman was showering in a bathroom in I Fong Building in São Lourenço district at 11 p.m. on Sunday for 20 minutes. The statement pointed out that after her shower, the woman felt dizzy and her limbs were shaking. The statement said that her friend rushed her to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre for emergency treatment at 1 a.m. yesterday, and she was then diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning. The statement pointed out that the victim uses a gas heater, and her bathroom does not have a ventilation fan, adding that her bathroom window only opened a little. The bureau deduced that the cause of the incident could be because poor ventilation caused toxicity to accumulate.

The statement reminded residents that when suffering carbon monoxide poisoning, one experiences dizziness, vomiting and fainting, a condition that is potentially fatal. The bureau stressed that when using gas appliances, one must ensure that the area is well ventilated as otherwise carbon monoxide could collect.

The statement said that there are ways to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, such as ensuring that the room is ventilated, choosing quality gas appliances and using them properly, and installing carbon monoxide alarms in rooms that have gas appliances. The statement urged those affected by carbon monoxide poisoning to stay calm, leave the room immediately and go to an open area, loosen one’s clothing and seek medical help promptly.

For more information on how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, check out 

Image courtesy of Wikipedia 


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